Unwinding: The ultimate experience of healing!

Trauma in animals, including humans brings on a cascade of hormones signals that fire nerve impulses and racing heart beat. This phenomenon is the “fight, flight or freeze” response. Under ideal conditions this state ends in with resolution, usually in the form of tremors or shaking, whimpering or crying.
This biological response to trauma is often short circuited in humans living in an emotionally restricted modern setting and the resolution stage of recovery is not realized. The result of never reaching the resolution phase is catastrophic when abuse or trauma continues over periods of time.
Much of our modern life experience is somewhat traumatizing in less overt ways. It’s not like the average person is facing a man eating tiger, or are they? Trauma is a normal part of life. The body is physiologically and psychologically equipped to recover from it naturally when circumstance are right.
However, unresolved traumas becomes cumulative and over time the stored energy of this cumulative trauma experience leads to a state of being more reactive to stress. The fascial tissues contract in this state and are unable to "unwind" until conditions are right...safety and emotional support is crucial. When you add to daily challenges of surviving, a lifetime of emotional pain experienced in a dysfunctional family, you have the perfect situation to develop fascial restriction or “chronic holding” and the potential for chronic pain.
Chronic holding is a slight to intense tightening of the body in either an isolated group of muscles, as in the case of TMJ, or in an overall body pattern as we see with fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome. The resulting effect of chronic holding can lead to a wide array of symptoms, many of which are located nowhere near the causal factor. This phenomenon is known as "referred pain". For many people “chronic holding” is a straight jacket of pain from which they cannot unwind. In this class you will explore the skills that allow for and facilitate the powerfully healing of "unwinding".
We use the term unwinding because the energy of the original trauma is retained or “wound up” in the fascia. In the case of a long endured, difficult relationship for example there may be no clear identifying traumatic event. Rather, there is prolonged state of constant arousal, being “on-guard”. All the energy required by the body to maintain this level of attention is what leads to the development of chronic holding. This “holding” often presents as unwind for many clients during Myofascial Release sessions. It is a natural component of the fascial release process. This class will prepare you to facilitate and allow for unwinding, and be able to help the client understand the natural intelligence of the body process of healing both physical and emotional pain.
When practitioners are trained to be aware of this phenomenon, the level of treatment and healing response will be greatly enhanced for the client. Goldeen MFR Certification includes an advanced level of training that emphasizes unwinding as a hoped for goal for clients suffering from unresolved trauma. In this way healing from trauma is possible because conditions of safety are met and the experience is not forced by direct therapy.
For students, this class is designed so that the participants will be working on each other through the course of the class. Practitioners will have an opportunity to experience both observationally and physically themselves, the phenomenon of unwinding/somatic release.
One client described an experience of deep unwinding as the ultimate breath of fresh air. Releasing years of chronic holding is life changing on both a physical and emotional level. The goal of this class is to empower and equip the practitioner to open the door to healing unresolved trauma for their clients.
This biological response to trauma is often short circuited in humans living in an emotionally restricted modern setting and the resolution stage of recovery is not realized. The result of never reaching the resolution phase is catastrophic when abuse or trauma continues over periods of time.
Much of our modern life experience is somewhat traumatizing in less overt ways. It’s not like the average person is facing a man eating tiger, or are they? Trauma is a normal part of life. The body is physiologically and psychologically equipped to recover from it naturally when circumstance are right.
However, unresolved traumas becomes cumulative and over time the stored energy of this cumulative trauma experience leads to a state of being more reactive to stress. The fascial tissues contract in this state and are unable to "unwind" until conditions are right...safety and emotional support is crucial. When you add to daily challenges of surviving, a lifetime of emotional pain experienced in a dysfunctional family, you have the perfect situation to develop fascial restriction or “chronic holding” and the potential for chronic pain.
Chronic holding is a slight to intense tightening of the body in either an isolated group of muscles, as in the case of TMJ, or in an overall body pattern as we see with fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome. The resulting effect of chronic holding can lead to a wide array of symptoms, many of which are located nowhere near the causal factor. This phenomenon is known as "referred pain". For many people “chronic holding” is a straight jacket of pain from which they cannot unwind. In this class you will explore the skills that allow for and facilitate the powerfully healing of "unwinding".
We use the term unwinding because the energy of the original trauma is retained or “wound up” in the fascia. In the case of a long endured, difficult relationship for example there may be no clear identifying traumatic event. Rather, there is prolonged state of constant arousal, being “on-guard”. All the energy required by the body to maintain this level of attention is what leads to the development of chronic holding. This “holding” often presents as unwind for many clients during Myofascial Release sessions. It is a natural component of the fascial release process. This class will prepare you to facilitate and allow for unwinding, and be able to help the client understand the natural intelligence of the body process of healing both physical and emotional pain.
When practitioners are trained to be aware of this phenomenon, the level of treatment and healing response will be greatly enhanced for the client. Goldeen MFR Certification includes an advanced level of training that emphasizes unwinding as a hoped for goal for clients suffering from unresolved trauma. In this way healing from trauma is possible because conditions of safety are met and the experience is not forced by direct therapy.
For students, this class is designed so that the participants will be working on each other through the course of the class. Practitioners will have an opportunity to experience both observationally and physically themselves, the phenomenon of unwinding/somatic release.
One client described an experience of deep unwinding as the ultimate breath of fresh air. Releasing years of chronic holding is life changing on both a physical and emotional level. The goal of this class is to empower and equip the practitioner to open the door to healing unresolved trauma for their clients.